I am a Hand Painted Porcelain Dinner Plate. I’ve got a lot on my plate but I always stop to smell the flowers.
$385I am a Blue Lotus Dish. I welcome all lotuses. They are the seasoning to my dish of life.
$79I am a Sgraffito Large Oval Container. The answer is within.
$745I am a Small Sgraffito Cake Plate. The secret ingredient is always love.
$420I am a White Sgraffito Treasure Box. Not all treasure is silver and gold.
Starting at $95I am a Sgraffito Oval Serving Plate. Serve up your next meal on a pond of lotus, with such a beautiful setting others will surely take notice!
$485I am a Sgraffito Square Plate. A lotus grows out of mud like ceramic clay is sourced from the soil - A beauty so deep that is planted within the soul.
$385I am a Sgraffito Pitcher. From out my spout pours the same kind of love that was carefully scratched onto my delicate surface.
$550I am a Sgraffito bowl. It’s not hard to take a moment and make it perfect. For example, throw a dinner party and make it a great one by simply inviting me to the table!